Unlocking the Value of Publisher Audiences
PAMCo – Audience Measurement for Publishers is the JIC (Joint Industry Currency) for published media, using approved world leading methodology. It produces de-duplicated brand reach allowing users to carry out reach & frequency planning to better commercialise audiences across all platforms.
Latest News
PAMCo moves forward with Barb collaboration and new Ipsos measurement contract. Click the icon to learn more.
For the latest set of infographics summing up the latest data release please click here
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How it works
PAMCo’s methodology integrates print readership and demographic data from a high-quality survey with digital audience estimates supplied by Ipsos iris. The PAMCo survey is based on an ‘online first’ method and includes two phases.
Interview & Questionnaire
PAMCo is based on a continuous survey which takes place 12 months of the year, 7 days a week. Up to two individuals aged 15 plus from randomly selected addresses are invited to take part either by online or paper self-completion questionnaire.
Technical information
For more detailed information on fieldwork and response rates, data processing, statistical significance and our sampling please click here
Latest news

PAMCo moves forward with Barb collaboration and new Ipsos measurement contract

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